Anorexia Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

anorexia come, since he feels the need to fit into some group of society. In the case of adolescents who move away from their classmates and tend to fall into school failure, some study methods that will benefit not only these types of people, but to all people who occupy new ways to study. (Information, 2019) conclusion In conclusion, it can be seen very clearly that adolescence is not an easy stage that young people face, if you do not take care with all the problems they can face, the adolescent can be lost and fall into some of themost common problems faced at this stage, which were already mentioned above. A way to live adolescence more peacefully, is that the young man lives with a high...

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anorexia are obsessed with their physique and all they are looking for is to look more thin. For this reason, they stop eating, they take remedies to inhibit appetite or laxatives to lose more weight than recommended. Potomania This is an obsession where, compulsively, the person wants to drink water in large quantities throughout the day. People who suffer from Poto Mania can consume more than four liters per day, and do so with the intention of filling their stomach and thus avoid eating, so it is also associated with eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia. Bulimia Extreme voracity attacks, where the person eats a lot. After this and before a feeling of guilt, the affected is caused...

anorexia, bulimiaMalnutrition, and obesity, it is common that they do not have a stable couple, who interrupt their life project that has established from a very young age and that only in a second is destroyed their future for not using a contraceptive method at the time in the aspecteducational and suffer rejection of their family. In adolescence a necessary fundamental guidance is required that help return good decisions, urgent attention is required because this problem has a notable every day increase it is important to develop prevention programs for unwanted pregnancies and so that young people havemore information on the subject that is being established. All of the above about adolescence is...

anorexia, cocaxia and sexual impotence were attributed to these subjects. Guamán Poma de Ayala has described in detail these practices of sorcerers who harmed using toxic or poisonous substances (Oscar Frisancho Velarde, 2012). Andean sorcerers prepare flame dolls to those who added some personal effect of their victims (hairs, nails, blood or remains of clothing);In their rites they invoked the bed or upani (soul) of their victims and at the same time punctuated the dolls that represented them with cacti spines. On some opportunities they burned the doll to burn their soul or to send them more misfortunes. The Nahuas believed in three mood principles: the tonalli, the Teyolía and the íhiyotl,...

Anorexia and eating disorders When a person is anorexic, his body does not absorb or take advantage of the necessary energy obtained from food. Advanced anorexia can cause the following complications: Heart problems, including low blood pressure, slower heart rate, irregular heartbeat, heart attacks and sudden death due to heart problems 5 Decrease in bone mass (osteopenia and osteoporosis) Kidney calculations or stones Absence of periods, which can cause difficulty in conceiving During pregnancy, a greater risk of abortion, caesarean section or low birth weight of the baby.   4.  Difficulty getting pregnant This condition occurs when generating the insecurity thinking of a woman by...

anorexia nervosa. According to slope (2016), ‘it is partially defined by the presence of high concerns about weight and body shape, a main role has been given to body image for the understanding and explanation of eating disorders’. In the world changes such as migration, modernization and urbanization are emerging. Thanks to these factors, new adaptations are produced to the ideals of beauty, in this case being body beauty, and therefore to food behaviors. As an example, hillside (2016), mentions the study conducted by Brockerhoff et al. in 2012. The impacts generated by the influences of other cultures in body satisfaction, and eating disorders in Japanese adolescents were studied. What was...

anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. This is generated in sports that the physical appearance is important;For example: artistic skating and gymnastics. Studies conducted at the University of León (2008) comment that most people suffering from this disorder are women. Likewise, this is caused by the demand of the athletes themselves to achieve an ideal physical appearance and feel good about themselves. At this point, it can be evidenced that the main factor is low self - esteem, compulsive behaviors, etc. For this reason, the existence of a prevention and promotion about these types of diseases is important in order to prevent athletes from falling on this without having worked their fears and...

anorexia nervosa. The association of several genes with the development of bulimia has been identified by several experts, such as FTO located in chromosome 16, which has been associated with the development of overweight or obesity. The peculiar, now you have one of the genes responsible for food binge. The authors of this study recently published in the Biological Psychiatry magazine propose that future treatment would be remielinization, something that today seems to be a very distant possibility. But, with the speed that is advancing the. science, it should not be so far from being able to implement it for the first time. Methods The proper way to acquire information to make a scientific...

anorexia due to the lack of appetite, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, mouth or throat ulcers, change in the flavors of food, constipation, diarrhea, etc. These are the main effects that we must help with a good diet and food intake, where they eat in a few quantities but full of the entire food set. The main ones that affect patient nutrition are chemotherapy and radiotherapy. When a patient begins with nutritional problems such as: Anorexia, Bulimia (due to treatment causes), it must be treated quickly by a health professional in charge of those cases;where it will focus on balance so that the treatment is not exposed. Where the patient needs more help, assisted nutrition is used that there are...