Creative Research Project

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Name: Institution: Course: Date: Creative Research Project Abstract Many children utilize their leisure time through watching movies or playing video games. However, this interesting activity may bear both negative and positive effect on a kid`s mind as well his or her general development. For instance, movies containing pure comedy and social message can be convenient for the kid`s healthy mind development. On the other hand, movies and video game containing mean or violence content are a hindrance to the overall development of a kid. In my quest to prove desensitization theory, I prefer using reviewed document because they contain reliable contents that are not only free of assumptions but also based on supported facts. In many societies, parents perceive that the media such as music industry, television, and entertainment serve as a strategic interaction and learning tool for young kids. However, these entertainment mediums are doubtfully influencing our child living them with huge psychological impact. In short, my theory highlights how exposure to violent entertainment media can alter behavioral processes, affective, cognitive and desensitization effect. Keywords: violence, film, behavior, kids and media Introduction Consequently, various researches have indicated the link on how kids watching violence films can develop aggressive behavioral issues in future. Many retrospect research has confirmed that many aggressive behaviors exhibited by young children are as a result of being exposed to violent films or playing graphic video games (Heffner and Tompkins, 1). More ever, children who are chronic viewers of violent films and active player of

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