Benefits And Main Characteristics Of The Bádminton

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Benefits and main characteristics of the Bádminton

Badminton is a racket sport that can look quite a lot to tennis but has the ‘caveat’ that the ball is in a somewhat strange way, since it includes feathers so that it moves unexpectedly. Know what are the benefits of Badminton maybe it is the best way to decide to practice a sport not so popular but very funny … and even Olympic!

Bádminton characteristics

First of all we talk about the basics of the Bádminton. This sport was born in India – there is known as Poona – but extended through the western world when British officers in that country observed the game. They were in charge of bringing it to England around 1875. The Duke of Beaufort became interested in him and began to practice him in his farm, Badminton House, that is why today he is called with that name.

Then the English Badminton traveled to the United States and was introduced in Canada. From the 1992 Barcelona Games, it is present in five modalities: masculine and female individual, male and female double and mixed doubles. The dominant countries are China, Indonesia and South Korea.

The Badminton is played with an elongated and very light racket, with which a ‘steering wheel’ or ‘pen’ is hit that is a kind of open cone with feathers and weighs just under six grams.

The matches are played to three sets and wins the one that takes two of them when reaching 21 points. The playing field is rectangular with a network in the middle, 1.55 meters high.

What are the main benefits of Badminton?

Already with the basic data of this sport it is time to know why you should choose it and practice it. Among the main benefits of Badminton are:

  1. Lose weight. As with many aerobic sports, the Bádminton can be a good option if we are wanting to lose weight because it helps us to burn fat effectively. Of course, for this we must also wear an adequate diet.
  2. Tone muscles. Badminton is an explosive exercise that requires a lot of strength in the legs and arms. When we hit the steering wheel, we tone the upper train and move from here to there in the field work the lower train.
  3. Keep a healthy heart. One of the main benefits of Badminton is related to the improvement of the cardiovascular system, because when we practice it we do an important aerobic job. Therefore, it serves to strengthen the heart, balance blood pressure and reduce the risk of obstructions.
  4. Have more physical resistance. One of the points that are most worked at at Badminton is physical resistance, since we must endure at least two sets of continuous movement. Pulmonary capacity also increases when training several times a week and competes in this sport.
  5. Improve the view. Having to hit a small object is perhaps a challenge for our eyes. If we practice Badminton several times a week we can develop the views of the view, have a greater capacity to approach both closely and far and contrast between figure and background, as well as calculate the depth. As if not enough, a better visual coordination, a more effective reaction and an amplitude of the peripheral field is achieved.
  6. Increase strength. We may think that this is not possible because the object we must hit in Badminton is very small and light. However, it is a challenge to make it happen to the other side of the network and for this we not only need strength but also technical. With practice we will have more strength in our skilled arm.
  7. More reflections and coordination. Not only at the visual level is that we will have better reflexes. The reaction time towards certain stimuli will be reduced significantly due to the speed of this sport. Muscle coordination and agility will also benefit.
  8. It allows socially to relate. The Bádminton is a sport that allows us to socialize since at least two players participate in a game (and if it is double, four). Therefore, either in competition as in training we will be in contact with other people.

And that is not all, because another of the benefits of Badminton – and therefore it is recommended to start since childhood – it helps us to forge teamwork and the fact of striving to obtain results. Finally, the Badminton is a sport more than fun that helps us to put aside the concerns and day -to -day stress.

Free Benefits And Main Characteristics Of The Bádminton Essay Sample

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